Can be found in the Dungeon Broken Bulwark in Scosglen. Ghostwalker Mobility Aspect - Provides extra speed and the ability to move through enemies, which is great for better targeting.Can be found in the Dungeon Champion's Demise in Dry Steppes.

You may recall the method for inputting the password for the Phantom Trainee assignment.If you're lucky enough to find a Legendary while leveling, chances are it'll be an upgrade for you and you should equip it immediately. Hell show you how to unlock all the new gear and weapons including the brutal Bulldog assault. However, the requirements for this assignment have been discovered. Getting the Dragons Teeth DLC for Battlefield 4 today You need to watch this video guide by Westie. The password required to unlock this assignment has not yet been revealed. There is also the new Phantom Initiate assignment. Get 100 kills on Dragon's Teeth maps 0/100 The GEW-46 standard assault rifle lets you experience high stability with short-burst fire in medium-range engagements.

Battlefield 4 fans should recognize the next iconic weapon without any introduction. Win a round of Chainlink with 50 tickets left 0/1 This monster of a pistol is available to any Class in Battlefield 2042 as a sidearm/secondary weapon. The best way to unlock attachments for me has been domination because that is purely infantry and no vehicles or anything, so all the kills you get are from. Get 10 kills while under 30 health 0/10 While on foot as Assault, kill 10 Recon enemies who are also on foot 0/10 While on foot as Assault, kill 10 Engineer enemies who are also on foot 0/10 While on foot as Assault, kill 10 Support enemies who are also on foot 0/10 Activate the floodgates on the Sunken Dragon map 0/1 These three are common across all unlocks: